Huffman & Huffman Brothers-in-Law, P.L.L.C.
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Getting into a car accident is something that no one can be completely prepared for. That is the meaning of the word “accident”. They happen unexpectedly and without notice. However, there are a few steps you can take in order to better prepare yourself for such an unfortunate event.

An article by Patrick Allan on “lifehacker.com” gives an in-depth look at how you can prepare yourself for an accident and the best course of action you can take proceeding the event of a car accident.

The following is a list of helpful items that individuals should try their best to always have in their car while driving:

  • First aid kit
  • Flashlight
  • Seat belt cutter and window breaker
  • Flares, reflective triangles or orange cones
  • Something to take photos with other than your smart phone
  • An auto accident list
  • List of allergies of frequent passengers
  • List of emergency contact numbers

Although it may seem difficult to constantly stay on top of keeping these items stocked and up to date it can be extremely helpful during emergencies. Following an accident, there are a number of steps one should take to make sure everything goes as smoothly as possible. First and foremost it is of the utmost importance to make sure everyone in your vehicle is okay and can move their body safely. If someone is hurt or you discover that someone in the other vehicle involved is hurt it is important not to move and to call 9-1-1 IMMEDIATELY. The safety of the drivers and passengers involved is more important than anything else following a crash.

Once you have made sure that everyone is safe or tended to those who are not it is crucial to keep your cool. If the accident was not your fault it is common to feel angry and act out of line. This type of action will not go well for any of the parties involved. Keep your cool and, whether it is your fault or not, never admit to the other individual that you are “sorry” or that it was your wrongdoing. Insurance cases can become complicated and you never want to start them with admitting fault right away.

Next, you must call the police and follow a report. They will need your license, registration, address and other information so have it all at hand if possible. Also, you must be sure to exchange information with the other parties involved in the accident. Sometimes, individuals will try to flee the scene if they do not have insurance or the car isn’t theirs. Try to make sure the other driver(s) stays with you and gather as much information as you can before the police show up.

Finally, as time passes it is noteworthy that you may have sustained injuries that did not show symptoms directly following the accident. Go see a doctor and get yourself checked out for peace of mind and for the sake of your own personal health. Car accidents are scary and unforeseen events but, with the right tools and education, you can prepare yourself to handle them in the correct manner.

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