We use countless consumer products every single day. Most of the time, they work properly and can help us accomplish a great many things. If they are negligently designed or manufactured, however, they can cause considerable harm and may even claim lives. At Huffman & Huffman Brothers-in-Law, PLLC, we believe that defective products need to be exposed for what they are. We fight to help victims recover much-needed financial compensation for the injuries or losses they have experienced.
From our offices in Newport Beach and Virginia Beach, our product liability attorneys work diligently to protect the rights and interests of consumers across Virginia. We now how difficult life can be after a serious injury or the loss of a loved one. We have the experience and wherewithal to hold negligent manufacturers, distributors, and other large corporations responsible for allowing defective and dangerous products to land in innocent consumers’ hands.
Injured by a defective product? Talk to a skilled and compassionate professional about your options. Call (757) 599-6050 for a free consultation.
Exposing Defective & Dangerous Products
A product may be considered defective and provide grounds for a viable product liability claim if:
- The product had an inherent design or manufacturing defect, was mislabeled, or was marketed for improper use;
- A consumer was injured while using the product in a reasonably safe and proper manner; and
- The defect was the cause of the consumer’s injuries.
Proving a defect is difficult but not impossible. Our Newport News product liability lawyers are not afraid of going up against the largest corporations in cases involving:
- Motor vehicle parts
- Safety equipment
- Toys, cribs, car seats, and other products for children
- Home appliances
- Electronics
- Heavy machinery
- Construction tools and equipment
- All other consumer products
To find out if you have a case, call (757) 599-6050 or contact us online. We’re free to talk 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
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