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Virginia Brain Injury Lawyers


A brain injury can affect one’s life in profound and innumerable ways. The brain is the control center of the body. If it is damaged, this can affect cognitive skills, memory, personality, communication, muscle control, and more. A victim may be left facing a limited and challenging life, requiring ongoing treatment and care that can quickly add up to hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars over the years.

The recovery of lifelong compensation is essential in cases that involve permanent brain damage. Even if the damage is temporary and a victim is able to return to his or her normal life, compensation should cover any and all related costs, injuries, and losses that the victim and his or her family have experienced or may experience in the future. At Huffman & Huffman Brothers-in-Law, PLLC, we recognize the importance of a fair settlement or award for brain injury victims. Our Virginia brain injury attorneys fight to maximize recovery, using our considerable resources and experience in the pursuit of civil justice against at-fault parties.

Common Causes of Brain Injuries:

  • Falls
  • Motor vehicle crashes
  • Sports injuries
  • Explosive blasts
  • Violence

Damages in a personal injury or wrongful death lawsuit for a brain injury may include:

  • Emergency medical care
  • Ongoing treatment
  • Physical, speech, occupational, and other therapies
  • Medication, medical supplies, and assistive devices
  • In-home care
  • Lost earnings
  • Loss of future/potential earnings
  • Emotional trauma
  • Funeral costs
  • Loss of companionship/consortium

Offices in Newport News & Virginia Beach

Physical trauma or a lack of oxygen can cause brain damage. When brain damage is linked to negligence, defective products, or any type of wrongdoing, the at-fault party can be held responsible for providing the financial compensation that is needed to help the victim rebuild his or her life.

We understand that no amount of money could “compensate” a victim of a serious brain injury or a family that has lost a loved one. It can, however, ensure that the responsible party is brought to justice, and it can provide a victim and family with a more stable future. That is our goal at Huffman & Huffman, to help our clients face better and brighter futures even in the midst of the most traumatic times.

Contact a brain injury lawyer at our firm today by calling (757) 599-6050. From our offices in Virginia Beach and Newport News, we help clients across the Commonwealth of Virginia.


Brain Injury FAQ

  • What causes most traumatic brain injuries?
    Traumatic brain injuries are often caused by violent accidents that rattle, rock, or strike the victim’s head. Car accidents are the most common cause of accident injuries in most regions across the country. As such, they are also among the most common causes of traumatic brain injuries. If you are in a car accident that could have hurt your head or neck, then you should seek medical attention immediately.
  • Are brain injuries permanent?
    Most brain injuries are permanent. The brain and its neurons heal incredibly slowly, so slowly that they were once believed to not be able to heal at all. Even a minor brain injury can be permanent for this reason. Serious brain injuries can degrade or worsen as time goes by and at a rate faster than the brain can heal.
  • Is it possible to live with a brain injury?
    Living with a brain injury is possible, but it might not be easy, depending on how your brain injury has affected you. Some people with brain injuries have minimal symptoms, like bouts of insomnia or a mild and intermittent speech slur. Other people with brain injuries can be much more debilitated and experience hardships like the loss of motor control, severe memory loss, learning difficulties, and more. Brain injuries are so problematic because it is incredibly difficult to predict how an injury will affect an individual patient. Damage to the same part of the brain to two different people can result in two completely different sets of difficulties.
  • Do I need a brain injury attorney to represent me?
    You probably need a brain injury lawyer to represent you because the opposition in a brain injury case is usually immense and stubborn to cooperate. Insurance companies never want to payout a brain injury claim because they know that the damages owed to the claimant could be millions of dollars. You should not try to fight a major insurance company on your own when the outcome of your case will impact your life so much. Also, there could be complicated liability laws surrounding your injury claim, which require legal knowledge and experience to navigate. Although you can file an injury claim on your own, it is not recommended.
  • If I’ve suffered a brain injury, what legal claim can I bring or file?
    Your brain injury might call for a claim filed against the liable party’s insurance provider. For example, if your brain injury was caused by a car accident, then the other driver’s auto insurance provider could be responsible for your damages. If an insurance claim is not able to reach a settlement, then you can consider filing a lawsuit instead, which will require courtroom intervention.

Recommended Reading:


Put Our Family to Work for Your Family

  • We are a family-owned law firm.
  • You won’t pay until we win.
  • Our dedicated legal team has more than 150 years of combined experience helping injured clients.
  • We have proudly served tens of thousands of families in our community since 1973.
  • We’re free to talk, 24 hours a day.
Two Men who are partners at Huffman Huffman
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    - Esthela A


    - Charles J


    - Donte A

Fighting For The Injured For Over 50 Years

Call (757) 599-6050 to learn about your legal options.

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