June is elder abuse awareness month

Huffman & Huffman Brothers-in-Law, P.L.L.C.
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Right now, there are around 1.5 million older adults living in nursing homes across the U.S.

Sadly, about 1 in 10 people over the age of 60 will experience some form of elder abuse or neglect. What’s even more alarming is that only 1 in 14 of these cases are reported to authorities.

June is Elder Abuse Awareness Month, and during this time, government agencies and organizations promote local and national events that raise awareness of both the prevalence and signs of elder abuse and the importance of reporting this type of abuse when it is suspected.

Additionally, June 15 is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) and was launched back in 2006 by the International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse and the World Health Organization at the United Nations (UN). WEAAD provides an opportunity for communities around the world to promote elder abuse as both a public health and human rights issue.

How can you help raise awareness

Making a difference and raising awareness for elder abuse is not impossible or even difficult. We know from history that small actions have the ability to dramatically change outcomes.

Here are small but very important ways that you can help spread awareness for nursing home abuse and promote equality and care for older adults:

  • Talk to your children and grandchildren about treating elders with dignity
  • Join Ageless Alliance: United Against Elder Abuse, a social movement dedicated to the cause
  • Stay informed about policies and laws regarding elder abuse and neglect
  • Post information about elder abuse awareness on your social media
  • Learn someone’s story or share yours

Giving a voice to you and your family

Elders may be even more vulnerable to abuse because they physically cannot defend themselves or articulate the situation in order to report it. It’s important to trust your instincts and your gut feelings.

If you even suspect that your elderly loved one is being abused or neglected, it’s imperative that you immediately report the abuse and take action to ensure that they are protected. Our nursing home abuse attorneys are here to give a voice to you and your family during these difficult times and hold responsible parties accountable for nursing home abuse or neglect.

Our family is here to help yours. Contact Huffman & Huffman at (757) 599-6050 to speak with our experienced legal team.

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